Called to be a Catechist

Our baptism calls us to evangelize, to share our love of our Lord with all of God’s people with whom we come in contact with, at home, at work and at play. Also we are called to evangelize those who are seeking to know God more deeply in their lives within God’s church. If you feel called to share buy generic tadalafil online your faith with the children, teens, young adults, adults of the parish, contact the Director of Catechetical Ministry and begin sharing your faith today. 

Catechetical Ministry / Ministerio Hispano

Martin Magaña
(858) 454-2631

Basic Catechist Courses:

Check out the OECM webiste to find a Basic Catechist Course near you.

Begin the journey today, watering the seeds of God’s love and watching them bloom. Thank you for serving.