Strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed. — Hebrews 12:12—13
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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Stella Maris Academy
Earlier this week, our parish school, Stella Maris Academy, celebrated the remodeling of their administration offices and reception area with a ribbon cutting ceremony on the lawn in front of the school’s offices at 7654 Herschel Avenue. Our pastor, Fr. Patrick Mulcahy, blessed the offices and reception, and Principal Mrs. Francie Moss and honored guests […]
Read MoreThe Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy
Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts If you don’t like the message, blame the messenger 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Messages are delivered to us every day. Mail comes from the US Postal Service, packages from UPS or FEDEX, e-mail comes from Google or Yahoo. What happens when we don’t like the message or the […]
Read MoreBulletin – August 18th 2019
[Jesus] endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:2
Read MoreThe Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy
Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday August 15th Holy Day Mass Schedule Please join us for this HOLY DAY as we honor Mary, the mother of Jesus and celebrate her glorious Assumption when she was taken body and soul to Heaven to be our great […]
Read MoreFaith Formation Registration
Is your child registered for Faith Formation? Register to secure your spot! Registrations will take place in the front of church on August 11th, August 18th and September 1st after the 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:00pm Masses. A Baptismal Certificate is required for registration. Faith Formation begins on September 29th, 2019. If you cannot make […]
Read MoreThe Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy
Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts Enhancing our Beautiful Church. Some Small Projects… Tapestry in the Vestibule… The beautiful tapestry placed at the main entry to the church came from the rectory. Fr. Jim, with his excellent taste, found this years ago and had it stretched and placed in a beautiful frame. It is too […]
Read MoreThe Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy
Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts by Fr. Pat Mulcahy What is God going to do about it? How often have you asked this question in a moment of crisis or challenge? You see, it is always God’s fault…poverty, famine, war, natural disaster, illness, economic hardship, relationship problems…you name it. God gets blamed for everything. […]
Read MoreInstallation Mass for our New Pastor Fr. Pat Mulcahy by Bishop McElroy
Please join us for this very exciting parish event, an Installation Mass for our New Pastor at Mary Star of the Sea, Fr. Pt Mulcahy, by Bishop McElroy. It will be held on August 25th at the 10:30am Mass. All are Welcome! Misa de Instalación de nuestro nuevo párroco el Padre Patricio Mulcahy por el […]
Read MorePray for our Youth at the Steubenville Conference
Please join our Parish and greater San Diego community in praying for our youth and young adult leaders at Mary Star of the Sea as they prepare for a weekend full of prayer and fellowship. Fifteen youth candidates from our 2020 Confirmation Class will be attending the Steubenville Conference on July 26-28th alongside 10,000 teens […]
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