The Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy

Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts

If you don’t like the message, blame the messenger

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Messages are delivered to us every day. Mail comes from the US Postal Service, packages from UPS or FEDEX, e-mail comes from Google or Yahoo. What happens when we don’t like the message or the package? It is interesting. I have never blamed the Post Office for a Jury summons or a letter from the IRS. I do not hold a grudge against UPS because that shirt I ordered didn’t come in the right size or color. Google gets a pass from me when a parishioner sends me a challenging e-mail. Yet, when it comes to Biblical teaching, the Church as messenger of the Gospel often finds itself the focus of our venom when we want to reject the message. The readings of this Sunday speak to the hardship of being a messenger of the Gospel. It is not a pathway to popularity or material success.  Jeremiah suffered greatly for speaking the truth. Jesus speaks of the divisions that take place when the truth is proclaimed. When we are attacked, there is a great temptation to alter the message to avoid conflict. Can you imagine the Mailman choosing not to deliver bad news from the IRS out of fear of how we might react? That seems silly. Yet, ignoring the message would have dire consequences for the intended recipient. And so it is for the Church’s role as messenger of the truth revealed in Sacred Scripture and Tradition. The truth is proclaimed out of fidelity to God and love for God’s people. We need a Church that is willing to be the bearer of the news we may not want to hear but need to hear.


Installation Mass of Fr. Pat With Bishop Robert McElroy

Sunday August 25 10:30am Mass

Please join us on Sunday August 25th as we welcome the Bishop of San Diego, Most Reverend Robert McElroy, as he joins us for a special ceremony to install Fr. Pat formally as pastor of Mary, Star of the Sea Parish. This will take place at the regular 10:30am mass on Sunday August 25th. All are invited to this special event.

Stella Maris Academy is back in session! First Day of School THIS WEDNESDAY!

Our parish school Stella Maris Academy begins its new academic year THIS WEDNESDAY! Let us pray for blessings upon our students, families, and staff for this upcoming year. Forming our kids in Catholic values changes the world in amazing ways. Please support this wonderful ministry of our parish.

Weekly School Mass Most Fridays at 11:15am (during school year)

Our weekly school mass begins this week as our school community roots all that we do in the central mysteries of our faith. It begins with the Eucharist. The kids and teachers will participate in the liturgy and the homily will focus on a message geared towards our kids and families. All are invited to join us!

Have a blessed and holy week! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat