Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
Solemnity of Christ the King: Last Sunday of the Church Year
Each year, we end our church year with the celebration of Jesus, our Lord and King. This solemnity recognizes the Kingship of Jesus as we prepare for His Second Coming. The Kingdom of God has some powerful signs that we need to seek in our lives. As this year draws to a close, some profound questions linger in our efforts to prepare for His coming:
Do I live each day with a sense of urgency in preparing to meet Christ?
Do I share my Catholic faith with others as a sign of the coming of the Kingdom of God?
Do I seek forgiveness for my sins and try to reconcile with those I have offended?
Do I pray as much as I should?
Do I try to meet God’s expectations for me or am I caught up in the secular values of the world?
These are just some of the many questions to ask as we prepare to meet our King. May God help each of us to aspire to live the values of the Kingdom of God each and every day.
Gratitude to All of You…
A simple message to all of the parishioners of Mary, Star of the Sea Church: Thank you for being faithful in your sacrifices and support of the parish and its mission. In the mass of Thanksgiving Day, I will give thanks to God for many blessings in my life…my life, my family, my faith, my priesthood…and all of you. Please know my gratitude for all the wonderful things done by so many in service to the Body of Christ. Thank You!
Thanksgiving Day Mass Blessing of the Table Bread: THIS Thursday, November 28th 9:00am
Please join us for our special mass on Thanksgiving Day as we thank God for His abundant blessings. Please remember a new parish tradition: the blessing of the table bread. This tradition invites us to bring to mass the bread we will share at table later in the day as family and friends gather together. We will place the breads on a table before the altar. At the end of the mass, we will bless the breads as a prayer of blessing for our families. The collection for this day will be donated in its entirety to Fr. Joe’s Villages to support their charitable works of service to the poor. Please come and join us for this wonderful day of Thanksgiving! Please Note: there will be no 8:00am daily mass on this day only!
2019 Collection for National Needs. November 23-24. Your Support and Generosity are Appreciated!
You are encouraged to support this national appeal to help some vital programs right here in our country. These include the Catholic Home Missions, the Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic Communications Campaign, the Campaign for Human Development, and the Catholic University of America. These programs are worthwhile endeavors to promote a stronger Catholic faith here in the United States. Please be as generous as possible. Envelopes are available in the pews of the church to support this effort. Thank you for your sacrifices!
Mark Your Calendars!
Sun Nov 24 Solemnity of Christ the King
Thurs Nov 28 Thanksgiving Day
Sun Dec 1 First Sunday of Advent
Mon Dec 9 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Thurs Dec 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Wed Dec 18 Advent Penance Service (7:00pm)

The Eucharist in Scripture. A Six Week Bible Study
We will begin again in the new year with another great series…A Blessed Season of Grace to All of You!
I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Scott Walker Hahn will be doing a presentation at our parish, Mary, Star of the Sea Church, on Sunday January 5th in the evening (Epiphany Weekend).
This is a ticketed event and there is limited capacity. Copy & paste link to buy tickets ($20/each). https://stpaulcenter.com/lajolla/
Have a blessed and holy week! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat