Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
The Epiphany of the Lord
This solemnity recalls the visit of the Magi and their presentation of the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Magi were pagan astrologers and their adoration of the Christ child symbolizes the universality of the mission of the Savior. He came to save the whole world. The gifts offered by the Magi seem a little strange. But, they foreshadow the life and ministry of Jesus. Frankincense and myrrh were materials used in burial rites. Jesus was born to die, to offer His life for the ransom of many… as Scripture tells us. As we celebrate Epiphany, I hope we will contemplate the gifts we offer to Christ and how we adore Him on a daily basis, especially in this new year of 2019.
WELCOME DR. SCOTT HAHN!SUNDAY JANUARY 5, 2020: 6:00 PM in the Church

We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Scott Walker Hahn who will be doing a presentation at our parish, Mary, Star of the Sea Church, on this Epiphany weekend.
This event is now SOLD OUT.
A Blessed and Holy New Year of 2020 to All!
A new year is the time for resolutions. We look at our lives and see what needs to change. Some want to lose weight, others want to quit smoking, others want to become a new person. A new year means new hope. We can think of all that is possible. But, amid all the efforts to do more healthy things, why not add a few more spiritual things? I hope we take the time to look at our relationship with God. How can we make that better? That should be our greatest resolution!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
This past month was filled with some wonderful celebrations of Advent and Christmas. We are very grateful to all who have given so much of their time and talents in service to the parish. The parish staff went above and beyond to meet the needs of our parish. The liturgical ministers (choirs, ushers, lectors, altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers) gave glory to God by their humble service. The liturgies were beautiful! Our gratitude goes out to all those who helped in the planning and preparation of our celebration of this sacred time and its many events and prayer and service opportunities.
WOW! This was a busy season with many demands placed upon our time. Thank you for your commitment to the parish. Your efforts do not go unnoticed by me and especially, by God. You are a pastor’s dream!
New Year’s Resolution…A suggestion
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Please join Jesus for one hour every week!
One of the great blessings for us as Catholics is the opportunity to spend time with the Lord IN HIS REAL PRESENCE. We offer a beautiful opportunity with our Adoration Chapel, located in our parish office. Please join us for a special time with Jesus. Make 2020 a year of prayer and blessing!
Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic?
Do you want to complete your Sacraments of Initiation?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA program is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic and also for those adult Catholics who need to complete their sacraments of initiation. Maybe, it’s time for you or someone you know to take the next step! Please check it out! Please see Fr. Pat or Martin Magana for more details on this AWESOME program!
Have a blessed and holy celebration of Epiphany! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat