Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
A Blessed Christmas of Joy and Peace to All!
We have decorated the house, bought the gifts, wrapped the gifts, sent the cards, cooked the food, and now we celebrate…
We have prayed, forgiven, shared, reconciled, we have prepared a humble dwelling place for the Lord and now He comes…
We also look with eager anticipation at some beautifully-wrapped gifts. But amid all the beautiful wrappings, don’t forget that the greatest gift came in the simplest packaging in the humblest place.
May our celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ be an eternal source of joy and peace for our world. May it remind us that “God so loved the world that He sent His only Son…” Let us keep our military families and those who are separated in our special thoughts and prayers this season. May peace reign in our world! A Blessed Christmas to all!
Christmas Mass Schedule 2019
Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows:
Tues Dec 24 (Christmas Eve)
4:00 pm Family Mass (Church)
4:00 pm Family Mass (Hall)
6:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
8:00 pm Mass
9:30 pm Carols
10:00 pm Solemn Vigil Mass
Mon Dec 25 (Christmas Day)
7:30 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
10:30 am Mass
12:00 noon Mass
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. January 1. Begin 2020 in the Best Way!
Wednesday January 1st is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and the beginning of the new year. We will honor Mary as the Mother of God and ask her to pray for us and lead us to her Son Jesus in the new year. Please join us for these masses in her honor.
Tues Dec 31 6:30pm Vigil Mass
Tues Jan 1 9:00 am Mass
Please Note: There will be NO 8:00am Mass on Jan 1
Parish Offices will be Closed: December 24-26, January 1
In observance of Christmas, our parish offices will be closed on Tuesday December 24, Wednesday December 25, and Thursday December 26. Please plan ahead! Our offices will reopen at 9:00 am on Friday December 27. Thank you and have a blessed Christmas! Also, our parish offices will be closed on New Year’s Day, Wednesday January 1st. Happy New Year!
Thank You, Part I
I am deeply appreciative of all the people who have worked so hard throughout Advent in anticipation of Christmas to help us to spiritually prepare for the coming of Our Lord. May God bless you abundantly. It has been an amazing and sometimes, hectic journey. From the liturgical ministers to the musicians to all the volunteers to the unknown people who do all the little things behind the scenes, we have one thing to say: THANK YOU! YOU ARE A BLESSING TO US!
Thank You, Part II
Thank you for your generous response to the Retired Religious Appeal, The Fr. Joe’s Villages Outreach, the Casa de los Pobres Outreach, and all our charitable endeavors during this sacred season. Lives were changed because of you!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
This Advent has been filled with some wonderful celebrations. We are very grateful to all who have given so much of their time and talents in service to the parish. Our gratitude goes out to all those who helped in the planning and preparation of our celebrations of Thanksgiving Day, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lessons and Carols Prayer Service, School Christmas Pageant etc. All our volunteers did a phenomenal job! You are a pastor’s dream!
End of the Year: A Good Time to Think About Giving
As we approach the end of the year, this season leads us to be in a giving mood. We also should think about the benefits of timing our gifts. Donations to the Church and Charities given in December can be very helpful to us come next April 15th, Income Tax Day. If you are thinking about a gift in support of our parish Capital Campaign or other parish ministries or projects, this would be a wonderful time to do it. You can designate a specific purpose for your gift and we will respect your wishes. Thank you for your sacrifices in support of our parish mission to lead all to Christ. Your gifts make a difference!

SUNDAY JANUARY 5, 2020. 6:00PM TO 8:00PM.
I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Scott Walker Hahn will be doing a presentation at our parish, Mary, Star of the Sea Church, on Sunday January 5th in the evening (Epiphany Weekend). TICKETS ARE $20 EACH. THEY ARE AVAILABLE VIA THE FOLLOWING WEBLINK…
Have a blessed Christmas Season! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat