The Pastor’s RANT by Fr. Pat Mulcahy

Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts by Fr. Pat Mulcahy

What is God going to do about it? How often have you asked this question in a moment of crisis or challenge? You see, it is always God’s fault…poverty, famine, war, natural disaster, illness, economic hardship, relationship problems…you name it. God gets blamed for everything. And, then, comes the question…what is God going to do about it? Maybe, the answer is not what we want to hear. God already did something about it. HE MADE YOU AND ME. Sacred Scripture reveals that God responds to our initiative. The Gospel for this weekend says…ask and you will receive, seek and you will find; knock and the door will opened to you (Luke 11:8). Abraham, in our first reading, takes the initiative and argues with God regarding saving the innocent before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God listens to those who take initiative. In fact, Sacred Scripture records glowing praise for clever initiative even when it is not aimed at a holy purpose…remember the parable of the dishonest steward (Luke 16:1-18)…The master commended the dishonest manager because he acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. Is there a problem or crisis in the world or in our families that couldn’t solved or at least lessened if we accepted our role in being God’s solution? This does not mean that the solution is pain-free or easy or immediate. But, the next time somebody asks you or me…what is God going to do about it? Maybe, our answer should be HE MADE ME AND I AM GOING TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. I think God affirms that kind of initiative.

Below is a project begun at my last parish, St, Joseph Cathedral and inspired by this week’s Gospel. It is a wonderful way to connect people in prayer on-line…there is no sharing of personal contact information, no soliciting, JUST PRAYER…ALL ARE INVITED. Please check out

Together in Prayer is an online community of members who pray for one another. It was founded by St. Joseph Cathedral in San Diego, and inspired by Andy Maduza, a dedicated and prayerful parishioner, who said, “Prayer is powerful. The world and its people need prayer.” All you have to do is ask.

A — “Ask and it will be given to you”
S — “Seek and you will find”
K — “Knock and the door will be opened to you”

God wants us to pray – every day for all those in need – for those suffering from physical, psychological and spiritual difficulties. Prayer is one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

“Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works of mercy. If a soul does not exercise mercy in some way, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment.” — St. Faustina’s Diary

Our Objectives

  • We want to allow those in need of prayer to have access to a prayer community.
  • Individuals can request prayer for themselves or for others.
  • We’re giving people the opportunity to pray for others in need.
  • Our “Prayer Warriors” can pray for individual requests and/or collective requests.
  • Parishioners can pray for each other’s needs at anytime – not just at daily or Sunday Mass.

Prayer Requests

  • Individuals can post prayer requests for themselves, family friends or whomever/whatever. They have the option to detail their request (illness, deceased, etc.).
  • Individuals can post from any electronic device
  • Individuals don’t need to be a member of St. Joseph Cathedral. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and needs Him can post a prayer request.

Prayer Warriors

  • Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ can become a “Prayer Warrior” through simple and free registration.
  • “Prayer Warriors” need to make a commitment to those in need. For example, they can pray daily, weekly, or whenever they get the time.
  • “Prayer Warriors” can pray for individual requests or all requests.

We invite you to…

Have a blessed and holy week. In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat