Join Our Virtual Zoom Meeting Where Fr. Pat and Deacon Jim Reflect on their Puerto Rico Mission Trip

Click this link to join the meeting:

Meeting ID:        859 7593 4518

To join by phone:  (415) 762-9988

Join Fr. Pat and Deacon Jim on Thursday, May 21st at 6:00 pm PT for a virtual Zoom meeting where they will reflect on their incredible eye-opening trip to Puerto Rico with Catholic Extension where they met faithful dedicated Sisters serving their community in the midst of fear and despair after hurricanes and earthquakes.

If you are unable to join us for this online event by computer or phone, please consider helping the people of Puerto Rico. We have received a generous matching gift donation of $50,000 from a parishioner to support the parish outreach to provide funds for the Sisters in their service to the Puerto Rican community. 

Visit our Giving Page by clicking the link below.

If you need help setting up Zoom on your computer, phone or tablet please email Natalie Donatello at and she’ll schedule time to help you get setup before the virtual event. OR CALL OUR PARISH OFFICE AT 858-454-2631