Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
Christmas concludes with…The Baptism of the Lord
A Simple Question: Why?
The baptism of Jesus by John is somewhat mysterious. John performed a baptism of repentance. How did this apply to Jesus…who was born like us in all things BUT SIN? Why would Jesus seek out baptism by John in this manner? Maybe, the answer lies not in reflecting on baptism’s connection to sin but how it affects our relationship with God and with one another. When we celebrate the sacrament of baptism, we not only acknowledge repentance and forgiveness of sins but also the newly baptized person’s incorporation into the Body of Christ and entering into the fullness of the life of the Trinity. That person becomes intimately connected to each member of the Body of Christ. That is why baptism is a communal event more than just a family celebration. The newly baptized child or adult has become part of a community of believers with its demands of discipleship and sharing in the mission of Christ. Perhaps Jesus was revealing the intimate connection he feels for us. The Word became flesh…He became one of us…He joined himself to us in every intimate aspect, including baptism so that we might see and relate to Him in an intimate way. That is the depth of God’s love for us, His greatest creation.
Respecting Human Life. Recalling the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Almost 5 decades ago, the Supreme Court of the United States, in their Roe vs. Wade decision, legalized abortion in our country. The tragedy of this decision is the millions of lives lost over these several decades, the women and men who have been devastated by a choice often made in crisis, and the diminished reverence for the sacredness of every human life. Please make a daily commitment to pray for conversion and repentance that we might build a culture of life. May we come to embrace and defend the dignity of every human life created in the image and likeness of God!
San Diego Walk for Life
Join 4,000+ individuals from families and communities across San Diego as we partake in nationwide celebrations of life by participating in the 7th Annual San Diego Walk for Life. Come to 6th & Laurel in Balboa Park on January 18, 2020 from 8:30am to 12:00pm. The theme for this year is Live, Serve, and Embrace Life as we focus on the blessing of every life and our sacred call to defend life. Your presence is crucial to make this family-friendly event a success.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-25
They Showed Us Unusual Kindness
(cf. Acts 28:2)

The 2020 theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been selected. “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness” (cf. Acts 28:2). Annually, leaders of faith communities throughout the world gather together to arrive at the theme for the annual celebration of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year the theme finds its origins in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 27:18 – 28:10). In 2020, we are being called to show unusual kindness towards one another.”
During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Churches of all faiths are called together to form a vibrant and prayerful witness for Christian Unity by heeding Jesus’s prayer “that they all may be one.”
Mass Intentions: A Beautiful Way to Remember a Person in Need
There are many openings over these next few months for mass intentions for our Daily and Sunday masses. This is a beautiful way to pray as a community in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. You can offer a mass for a special intention and for the repose of the soul of a deceased person. Please take advantage by calling the parish office to schedule this special gift of prayer for that loved one or friend, living or deceased.
New Year’s Resolution…A suggestion
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join Jesus for one hour every week!
One of the great blessings for us as Catholics is the opportunity to spend time with the Lord IN HIS REAL PRESENCE. We offer a beautiful opportunity with our Adoration Chapel, located in our parish office. Please join us for a special time with Jesus. Make 2020 a year of prayer and blessing!
Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic?
Do you want to complete your Sacraments of Initiation?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA program is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic and also for those adult Catholics who need to complete their sacraments of initiation. Maybe, it’s time for you or someone you know to take the next step! Please check it out! Please see Fr. Pat or Martin Magana for more details on this AWESOME program!
Have a blessed and holy week! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat