Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
A Month of Gratitude
In just a few weeks, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day and begin the very busy holiday time. Recently, a member of our parish traveled back east to visit family. Upon returning, the person made a simple observation about his parish here…we have it really good. This is not to demean another parish community or to be arrogant about our own. It just reminds us that the first step to gratitude is awareness of the things we so often take for granted. It is so easy to embrace a mentality that everyone has what we have and that is not the case. In this lull before the rush of holiday time, we might take the opportunity to pay attention to the simple things that are only noticed when they are gone. What or whom might that be for us? Waiting until Thanksgiving Day to show our gratitude might seem tempting in our busy lives. But, regret is very profound and painful for the one who waits too long to appreciate the people and blessings they had all along and didn’t know it.
All Souls Day Novena: November 2-11
Remember Your Deceased Loved Ones During Nine Days of Special Masses. We have begun a special period of nine days as we pray for our beloved dead. The names of our beloved dead have been placed in the sanctuary for these special nine days. May all our beloved dead rest in peace.
Thanksgiving Day Mass Blessing of the Table Bread: Thursday November 28th 9:00am
Please join us for our special mass on Thanksgiving Day as we thank God for His abundant blessings. Please remember a new parish tradition: the blessing of the table bread. This tradition invites us to bring to mass the bread we will share at table later in the day as family and friends gather together. We will place the breads on a table before the altar. At the end of the mass, we will bless the breads as a prayer of blessing for our families. The collection for this day will be donated in its entirety to Fr. Joe’s Villages to support their charitable works of service to the poor. Please come and join us for this wonderful day of Thanksgiving! Please Note: there will be no 8:00am daily mass on this day only!
The Eucharist in Scripture: A Six Week Bible Study by Scott Hahn, led by Fr. Pat
Monday Evenings 6:30-8:00pm, Nov 4,11,18 in Star Center on Herschel Avenue

The Eucharist in Scripture is part of Promise & Fulfillment, a series of dynamic video presentations by Dr. Scott Hahn, founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
Promise & Fulfillment is designed to help ordinary Catholics grow in their knowledge of the riches of the Catholic faith. With his hearers, Dr. Hahn reads the Bible from the heart of the Church, considering the providential relationship of the Old and the New Testaments.
In The Eucharist in Scripture, discover God’s plan as it is expressed through the Bible and the Mass. This six-lesson study, presented by Dr. Scott Hahn, will unlock the meaning of covenant, sacrifice, and sacrament as understood in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation.
Built around three of Dr. Hahn’s foundational talks: “The Lamb’s Supper,” “The Fourth Cup,” and “Consuming the Word,” The Eucharist in Scripture examines the biblical foundations of the Eucharist and explores the Church’s liturgy as the original context for the books of the Bible.
There is no fee for attending. Please contact the parish office if you would like to attend so we can be prepared. Also, if you would like to purchase the accompanying workbook ($25), please notify the parish office so we can order an advanced copy for you.
I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Scott Walker Hahn will be doing a presentation at our parish, Mary, Star of the Sea Church, on Sunday January 5th in the evening (Epiphany Weekend). It will be a ticketed event and more information will be forthcoming soon. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE and plan to join us.
Have a blessed and holy week! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat