Weekly Reflections, Announcements, News & Thoughts
The month of October has been designated Respect Life Month as we reaffirm our commitment to live and proclaim the Gospel of Life. Let us pray that our world will transform our culture of death into a culture of life where every human life is sacred and deserving of protection. Please make this effort a daily commitment in prayer and deed.
Pro-Life Means…
Womb to Tomb, the unborn and the elderly, the poor and the outcast, the innocent and the guilty, the productive and the unproductive, the man and the woman, the believer and non-believer, the saint and the sinner
October is filled with opportunities to live and proclaim the Gospel of Life…
Sunday October 13… Holy Rosary Sunday
Sunday October 20… World Mission Sunday
Please join us in Proclaiming the Gospel of Life!
Preserving Our Past, Building Our Future: Capital Campaign Update
Have you ever told a joke and nobody laughs. It is the most awkward moment. You just want to press the rewind button and not do it. Well, that has happened to me on various occasions. It happens at weddings because of a joke I use to introduce my homily. I talk about the three rings of marriage…engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering. Some people laugh and some don’t. I even get moments of complete silence. But, the reason I tell the joke is to talk about a real aspect of love that the world never speaks about and that is how painful love can be and should be.
Well, I have changed my homily at weddings. I no longer tell that joke. I ask a question of the bride and groom…one by one…are you passionately in love with this woman? Are you passionately in love with this man? They always say yes. Then, I talk about what passion means. It is not about intensity. It is about pain. Passion from the Passion of Christ…Good Friday…Passion means suffering…Pain as an aspect of love.
Well, I wanted to begin this column with a joke but I decided instead to make a statement…Thank you for being passionate about your Catholic faith. I see the fruit of that every day here at Mary, Star of the Sea Church. Being Catholic is more than just a baptism, more than a parish registration form, more than Sunday mass attendance. It is a committed response to the mission of the church founded by Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the sacrifices made that have built this Church and supported the ministries that have touched so many lives over many years.
Let me be clear…this commitment can be difficult and painful. But, the results are amazing. I look at the fruits of our recent capital campaign as an example.
I arrived at the tail end of our Preserving Our Past, Building Our Future Campaign. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS RESPONSE TO THIS EFFORT. Many projects have been completed (roofs, bathrooms, new air conditioning systems, etc.). These are essential projects in meeting the needs of present and future generations. PLEASE ACCEPT OUR DEEP GRATITUDE.
We also know that much needs to be done. Over 1.8 million was pledged to this effort and just over 1 million was realized. As the Campaign draws down, we humbly ask those who are able to fulfill their pledges to do so. We also ask our benefactors, who are able, to consider adding to their fulfilled commitments. All that we receive will support ongoing projects in enhancing the ministries of prayer and service here at Mary, Star of the Sea Parish. Thank you for your passion…thank you for your commitment…may God abundantly bless your sacrifices. –Fr. Pat
WE NEED YOUR EXTRA ROSARIES! Holy Rosary Sunday: Sunday October 13th
In just a few weeks, we will be celebrating Holy Rosary Sundayand we want to share the beautiful gift of the Rosary with those who have not discovered or embraced this beautiful prayer to Jesus through Mary. It begins with having a rosary! So, we want to collect as many rosaries as we can to distribute on Holy Rosary Sunday. Please check your closets, your desks, your nightstands, your special places and see if there is an extra rosary that would be a beautiful gift for someone who has no rosary. Please drop off your rosaries in the basket at the entrance to the church or to the parish office. Thank you for helping us to share the beautiful gift of the Rosary with others!
The Eucharist in Scripture: A Six Week Bible Study by Scott Hahn, led by Fr. Pat
Monday Evenings 6:30-8:00pm, October 14,21,28 Nov 4,11,18 in the Parish Office Conference Room

The Eucharist in Scripture is part of Promise & Fulfillment, a series of dynamic video presentations by Dr. Scott Hahn, founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
Promise & Fulfillment is designed to help ordinary Catholics grow in their knowledge of the riches of the Catholic faith. With his hearers, Dr. Hahn reads the Bible from the heart of the Church, considering the providential relationship of the Old and the New Testaments.
In The Eucharist in Scripture, discover God’s plan as it is expressed through the Bible and the Mass. This six-lesson study, presented by Dr. Scott Hahn, will unlock the meaning of covenant, sacrifice, and sacrament as understood in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation.
Built around three of Dr. Hahn’s foundational talks: “The Lamb’s Supper,” “The Fourth Cup,” and “Consuming the Word,” The Eucharist in Scripture examines the biblical foundations of the Eucharist and explores the Church’s liturgy as the original context for the books of the Bible.
There is no fee for attending. Please contact the parish office if you would like to attend so we can be prepared. Also, if you would like to purchase the accompanying workbook ($25), please notify the parish office so we can order an advanced copy for you.
Have a blessed and holy week! In Christ’s love, Fr. Pat