The 2019 Diocesan Young Adult Synod, Christ Lives! A Time of Dreams & Decisions began on September 7th, 2019 and concluded on November 9th, 2019. Mary Star of the Sea La Jolla, was represented by four young adult representatives from our parish including Skylar Bird, Sarah Guha-Roy, Joline Mann and Nicholas Sieger.
Bishop McElroy, in consultation with diocesan leadership this past spring called for this synod in response to Pope Francis’ Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Christus Vivit, Christ is Alive! The goal of the synod was to engage “young adults to dream big and make decisions about walking with Christ and to engage the local church to accompany them in this mission of Jesus.”
Thank you to our delegates for attending meetings the past few months and for your continued prayers that the Holy Spirit guide our Diocese with the implementation of the new proposals that arose from this synod.